Our 2012-13 Curriculum

Deciding on curriculum isn't always easy.  We've had our share of ups and downs on the quest for the 'perfect' curriculum.  However, keeping curriculum in its proper place and remembering it is a tool for our homeschool does wonders for me when selecting which curriculum to use.

For our upcoming school year, our plan includes...

Bible ~
Understanding the Bible, The Truth About Series, and men of faith and missionaries using selected books (for 8th grader)
Apologia - Who Is My Neighbor? (for 6th grader)
Girlhood using selected books (for 4th grader)
Egermeier's Bible Story Book (for K)

Language Arts ~
Grammar - Rod and Staff English (for 4th, 6th, and 8th grader)
Spelling - Spelling Workout (for 4th and 6th grader)
Writing - IEW (for 4th, 6th, and 8th grader)
Vocabulary - Word Roots (for 4th, 6th, and 8th grader)
Reading - selected literature for all children
Phonics - Ordinary Parents Teaching Reading (for K)

Math ~
Saxon Algebra (for 8th grader)
Horizons Math (for 4th and 6th grader)
Saxon Math 1 (for K)

Science ~
{co-op class for each child}
Apologia Physical Science (for 8th grader)
God's Design for Chemistry (for 6th grader)
Christian Kids Explore Biology & a unit covering Astronomy topics (for 4th grader)
three units covering human anatomy with Apologia, outer space with Apologia, and biomes with God's Design (for K)

History ~
1830's to present using The Story of the World as a spine book (for 4th, 6th, and 8th grader)
world cultures using a variety of resources (for K)

Latin ~
Latin for Children (for 4th and 6th graders)

French ~
Rosetta Stone (for 8th grader)

Logic ~
Art of Argument (for 8th grader)
Fallacy Detective (for 6th grader)
Mind Benders (for 4th grader)

Aesthetics ~
Music, Art, and Poetry incorporated into history lessons by studying composers, artists, and poets of the same time period using various resources.

Physical Education ~
Covered with a co-op class for each child, as well as specific sports leagues and recreational pursuits.

Linked to:
Not Back to School Blog Hop


  1. We used Spelling Workout too. Gotta find things to make those workbooks fun. Love that their books do that. Aren't co-opts a livesaver? Good Luck on a wonderful year!

  2. Looks like you have some great resources. I need to look into logic.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. I am looking into possibly using Rosetta Stone. I have not purchased it though because of the cost. Do you feel it is worth it?? Thanks! I have enjoyed looking into everyone's curriculum for the new year! You can find me at Learning 4 Keeps

    Happy Homeschooling!

    1. Yes, I do feel it is worth the price. There are other prgrams that can be just as good for less, but we still prefer Rosetta Stone. My husband was the first to use it, and was very impressed from the first lesson onward.

  4. Found you through the blog hop! I also have a kindergartener. It's fun to see what the older kids are doing too! Love that you're teaching Latin! How exciting! Looking forward to hearing more about what you're doing with your kinder this year! :)

  5. LOvely list... we use very similar resources:)

    Question: What did you start with when using IEW. Anything you recommend would be awesome. I want to start that program with three of my children probably next school year so they can do it all at the same time??? (I'll have a 2nd, 3rd and 5th grader by then)!

  6. Sounds like great curriculum choices. My oldest is 5.5 and in Kindergarten. We are starting with My Father's World because I need a curriculum where I can combine them as much as possible.
    I have heard so much of Rosetta Stone. What grade does that start in?

    1. That's a great question. I am not sure what the publisher recommends. For our family, we begin using it in the middle school grades after the child has completed a few years of Latin. The program seems pretty versatile/adaptable to me, but it probably depends on the child and situation.


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