Art Projects for Studying China

While learning about Chinese New Year, we stumbled upon a display of art work by local schools. Each display reflected an aspect of Chinese culture. The pictures below highlight the work and ideas.
Obviously, these are not our ideas, but we were inspired by them, and hoped you would be as well.

{Snake drawings with various patterns and textures -
2013 is the Year of the Snake}
{Cherry Trees drawn with black markers and pink flowers applied
with finger tips pressed in pink ink or paint}
{Dragons made from construction paper; head, tail, and legs cut out,
bodies formed by hand shapes}
{Bowls of oranges using construction paper shapes}
{Lanterns made from construction paper and pipe cleaners}

Here are the projects my kindergartner has done so far...

{I drew the snake outline, and he added the patterns and tongue.}

{I drew the lines of the tree and he added the blossoms.}

{I prepared the paper with spaced lines for him to cut.
He decorated the outside, cut on the lines, and stapled it together.}

We have plans to work on the dragon this week or next. I happen to like the bowl of oranges, but he doesn't seem as keen on it as the fire breathing dragon...

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