Ten Essential Homeschool Materials

Ever wonder what the essential materials for homeschooling are?  As I am continuing to clean out our homeschool room, I began to wonder.  There are so many ways to homeschool, but for all of them a few things, beyond curriculum, must be essential.  A top ten list for us would include...
  • Dictionary - Years ago, we got an American Heritage dictionary for free.  Not sure which one I would actually purchase, but free is good.
  • Thesaurus - We have a student version, but it is sufficient for our middle schooler and elementary grade children.
  • English Handbook - The one published by Rod and Staff is our choice.
  • Illustrated Dictionary of Math -  Our shelf holds one published by Usborne.
  • Atlas - We actually have more than one, including a world atlas and an atlas of the United States.  Both are needed often, particularly for history.
  • Globe or Maps
  • Paper
  • Pencils - regular and colored
  • Chalk board or White board - Either works well.  We happen to prefer a chalk board, but chalk is actually getting harder to find.
  • Time line - A time line of any kind is helpful.  Whether a store bought or home made, time lines help children (and grown ups) place events and people in history. 

Would you add or subtract any {or all} of the above for your top ten essential homeschool materials?

Linked to  Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings  and  Hip Homeschool Hop Button .


  1. so good! yes, those are ALL great things to have for homeschooling. My girls love our maps and globe!

  2. Hmm...definitely something to think about! What 10 things couldn't I homeschool without? Well, I would say 1) computer, 2) dictionary, 3) arts and crafts supplies, 4) whiteboard, 5)world map, 6)state park pass (for science, nature studies, stress relief, PE), 7) VAN, 8) library, 9) paper and pencils, and 10) supportive family (but I guess that isn't STUFF LOL)

  3. I've never heard of a dictionary of Math. I'll have to check that out. We are just beginning to explore Homeschool. Our Little one is just 15 months. :)

    Mary Beth

  4. I've never heard of the illustrated dictionar of Math either. Definitely going to check that out.

    I agree with all of your list and would add these - our Bible and Catechism book. We don't just use our Bible for formal religion classes but for character building, scripture memorization and even reading reading (Chidren's Bible).

    (The other two things would be a sense of humor and a patience, but they probably don't count!)

  5. Yep!! We have most of these, too! I also highly value our copier/printer. = )

  6. That about sums it up. Although I've never heard of the math dictionary. Have to check into that one. Here from the hop.


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