Books Spanning One Year of Time
Written by Harriet Ziefert, this year long story follows Anna and her mother as they resourcefully get A New Coat for Anna.
The story of the Ox-Cart Man, by Donald Hall, spans a year in the life of a hard working New Hampshire family of the nineteen century.
A more whimsical tale is found in Frog and Toad All Year, by Arnold Lobel. We are always amused by the mishaps and adventures of these two lovable friends.
Filled with folk art and memoir excerpts of Grandma Moses, The Year with Grandma Moses, by W. Nikola-Lisa transports the reader to a simpler era filled.
Books Spanning Multiple Years

Generations are tied together with The Keeping Quilt in the story by Patricia Polacco.
Then and Now, an Usborne book by Heather Amery uses places of interest to demonstrate change over time. Readers visually observe the changes through time to stores, countryside, home life, and railroad stations.
Ever wonder what changes are brought about when a farm is left idle? Find out how over many years, an unused farm turns into a forest while reading McCrephy's Field, by Christopher A. Myers and Lynne Born Myers.
Linked to Read-Aloud Thursday at Hope Is the Word
What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing these thematic resources! A few of these titles are new to me.
ReplyDeleteI'm familiar with some of these titles, but the only stories I've read are Frog and Toad's. They are dear friends of mine too! My favorite story is "Cookies," from Frog and Toad Together.