I may feel confident in our second grade choices, but that confidence diminishes slightly when I start planning for tenth grade.
Our oldest will begin his second year of high school in a few short weeks. Though I have learned a lot over the past year about expectations, work load, and so much more, I still feel like a newbie. Which means, for me, choices for his courses were harder to make. I've spent more time pouring over this and that, trying to pick the best. It probably doesn't help that I already know the mistakes we've made for ninth grade. My younger children will benefit greatly (as they always do from being second, third, or fourth born children). And, my oldest, well, the good Lord made him a bit more resilient than the others. He just goes with the flow and mom and dad's learning curve. God bless that boy becoming a man!
Biblical Archaeology
Using the lesson plans created by Master Books, he will earn one high school credit for Biblical Archaeology. We'll add three additional books:
The Genius of Ancient Man, by Dan Landis
Buried Alive, by Jack Cuozzo
Frozen in Time, by Michael Oard
World Literature
Probably the class I am most excited to teach is World Literature.
Some of the books he'll read during the World Literature course.
Grammar and Vocabulary
In accordance to our umbrella school requirements, our son will complete select lessons from Communicating Effectively, English 9 & 10, published by Rod and Staff and Vocabulary from Classical Roots, Book C, by Norma Fifer and Nancy Flowers.
These along with the World Literature course will count for one English credit.
Since he has already completed Algebra I and Geometry, Algebra II is the next logical math course. We decided to use Saxon. This particular edition is the newest and has the Geometry questions separated into a different course. If he progresses well through this math course, we plan to use the Advanced Math during his junior year.
Chemistry will be taken with our science co-op which uses Apologia's Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 2nd edition.
World History will be studied using Notgrass Exploring World History. In addition to the history course, he will read four of the literature selections:
The Art of War, by Sun Tzu
The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas A. Kempis
Here I Stand, by Roland Bainton
The Abolition of Man, by C.S. Lewis
French II
He needs another year of French and that means another year of Rosetta Stone.
It has worked well for us.
For us, our umbrella school requires high schoolers to have a 1/2 credit health course. We'll use Total Health following the lesson plans from My Father's World, which includes a reading of I Kissed Dating Goodbye, by Joshua Harris.
Physical Education
Swimming was the sport of choice for the summertime. He'll have the opportunity to swim on a weekly basis throughout the school year and plans to swim with the team again next summer.
Volunteer Hours
Last year, our son volunteered each week as an AWANA leader for the TNT third and fourth graders. Additionally, during the fall, he helped referee flag football games for our church's Upward league. He plans to do both again this year.
Other Ideas and Books
For more ideas and books we plan to use during Tenth Grade visit my Pinterest board. I'll be adding to it throughout the school year as we go.
High School Credits
How does all of this effect our high school plan? It really doesn't deviate from it greatly.
Ninth grade ended with our son earning 10.5 credits (two of which were earned in 8th grade). The above plan will add 7 more credits. If he takes a course at a local community college, as he hopes to, he'll earn a total of 8 credits for his tenth grade. If he doesn't take the community college course, then we may add an art class to his schedule. Either way, he is well on his way to meeting his graduation requirements!
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