Five Favorite Picture Books from My Childhood ~
A book about a boy, a tree, and a relationship over many years tells a story in simple language. The acts of giving and taking, the contrasting of selflessness and selfishness, and the end results spoke to me as a child and still do now, as a grown up.
4. The Emperor's New Clothes, by Hans Christian Anderson
The vain emperor commissions two traveling men to weave exquisite cloth from the finest thread and then sew clothing from it for himself. Yet, as the two men assure the emperor the cloth is so fine that no one not even the emperor himself can gaze upon it and see it. How it made me laugh!

3. Harry the Dirty Dog, by Gene Zion
This was an absolute favorite of mine, because as a child I adored dogs. Harry, who hates baths, buries his scrub brush and promptly escapes from the yard for a grand time of playing in all the dirt he can find. The results: Harry a white dog with black spots becomes Harry a black dog with white spots. His appearance is so altered his own family doesn't recognize him.
2. Caps for Sale, by Esphyr Slobodkina
A peddler goes to town selling caps of different colors, but no one is purchasing today. He decides to rest beneath a tree outside of town. When he awakes, his caps are missing. He finds them among a group of monkeys. The peddler's outrage and subsequential actions are humorous and fun to read.
1. A Pocket for Corduroy, by Don Freeman
This was by all counts my absolute favorite picture book. Lisa and her bear, Corduroy, go with Lisa's mother to the laundry mat. Corduroy discovers he has no pocket, and suddenly he wants one. He leaves his chair in search of one. In a series of funny events, Corduroy ends up left at the laundry mat overnight. Like all great picture book stories there is a happy ending when Lisa finds him the next morning, and makes Corduroy his own pocket.
What would be on your list?
I love all of these :) One I would add is Blueberries for Sal - such a good book!!