Homeschool Planning with Yoda

"Always in motion is the future." ~ Yoda

Yes, I know, we just celebrated the 100 day mark, and I'm already starting to think about next year.
With the prospect of teaching four children a multitude of subjects, I thought it best to start at least thinking about next year.

"Try not. Do or do not, there is no try." ~ Yoda

Continuing or Tweaking the Existing Plan

Some planning is easy-peasy. After all, if something is working well, it is easy, and right, to decide to continue on with it for the next year...that is, if there is a higher level to continue onto. The only rub lies in the completion of the final level.

Then, there may be those subjects which need a slight change. Not necessarily a change in curriculum, but perhaps something different in the presentation or pace. Maybe just a small supplement is needed.

"Blind we are,
if creation of this clone army we could not see."
~ Yoda

Changing Parts of the Plan
Sometimes a curriculum needs changed. Perhaps it worked great for the older children, but a younger child isn't thriving with it. Minor changes don't help, and a full blown change is necessitated. These changes aren't to be taken lightly, but are needed from time to time. {It should be said here, there is no perfect curriculum, but there is a right curriculum for you, your child, your family.}

"If no mistake you have made, yet losing you are...
a different game you should play." ~ Yoda

Changing the Entire Plan
All is well and said, if the decision to keep homeschooling (and to keep homeschooling in the same manner) has been made. Mistakes will be made in all journeys, but sometimes, we are on the wrong path. Perhaps this is the most difficult decision to make.

If you have begun planning for next year. You are not alone. I'm right there with you.
So, my friend, here's to another year to plan, more decisions to be made, and a wealth of wisdom to be sought! And...

"May the force be with you."


*Just having some fun with the task of planning!
Photograph features my son's recent drawing of Yoda.

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  1. Replies
    1. Ya know I had to, after the completion of the Yoda picture last week, then all the Star Wars talk we had, well, it kinda seemed just right. Besides, it made me laugh, which I needed since we are embarking onto high school next year...ah, the unknowns!
