Curriculum Plans: Second Grade

What I really can't believe is that I am about to start second grade for the fifth time! Once as a student myself many years ago, and more recently with my three older children.

Looking back, I have to say, the first time around was the best. I had a teacher who was willing to help 20+ students construct paper mache art work from her own homemade flour mixture and torn newspaper. We learned to sing in French and German. She brought us tasty treats. It was a great year! Of course, now that I'm remembering that year, I will say there was that one horrible, embarrassing moment of mine, but I digress.

This time around, I'm hoping to have a great year. More importantly, I want my son to have a great year! {It is, after all, his first time through second grade.} I've put the finishing touches on our second grade plans and our curriculum choices are outlined below.


Together, my son and I will work through two Bible studies. One focuses on becoming a boy of honor and the other promotes responsibility. We'll start with one and then when done, work through the other.

An Honorable Boy, by Michelle Zoppa
Lessons in Responsibility for Boys, published by Pearables

Grammar and Writing

Grammar and writing will be a major focus during his studies. He is reading well and now it is time for the next step in language.

Preparing to Build, English 2, published by Rod and Staff
Writing With Ease, by Susan Wise Bauer
A Reason for Handwriting: Cursive

Phonics and Spelling

Even though our son is reading well, we don't want to neglect his phonics instruction. We will continue to build on his reading foundations using the following materials:

The Original McGuffey's Readers
Spelling by Sound and Structure, published by Rod and Staff
Adventures in Phonics, Level C, by Florence Lindstrom


It made our Best of the Best for Us listing this past spring, so it should be no surprise to see we are using it again this year.

Primary Mathematics, U.S. Edition, Singapore


Continuing with Diana Waring's history curriculum, this year will focus on the years between AD 30-1799.

Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries
Digging Deeper, Vol. 2, CD set


I confess. I am most excited about this choice. My son absolutely loved Legends & Leagues. We'll be using the second book this year. It suggests using the Geography Songs as well. We will.

Legends & Leagues South, storybook
Legends & Leagues South, workbook
Geography Songs with CD

This subject will be taken at a weekly co-op class. Along with 20 other first and second graders, our son will study botany, weather, and land animals. Spine books from Apologia and Answers in Genesis are used. For the fourth year in a row, I'll be teaching this class. During the week, we will read through library books related to the topic learned in class.

Exploring Creation with Botany, published by Apologia
God's Design for Heaven and Earth: Our Weather and Water, published by Answers in Genesis
Exploring Creation with Zoology 3, published by Apologia


As an introduction to Latin, once a week, we will use Song School Latin text. Several times throughout the week, we will sing the songs, reviewing pronunciation and vocabulary. This will be a low pressure activity in preparation for next year's start to formal Latin lessons.

Song School Latin with CD, by Amy Rehn


Each year, we hope to facilitate a growing love and appreciate for the arts. This year, our youngest will focus on art and opera.

Artistic Pursuits, Grades K-3, Book Two, by Brenda Ellis
Bravo! Brava! A Night at the Opera, by Anne Siberell

Physical Education
Swimming and Flag Football are two sports our youngest likes. Additionally, each week, he will have structured gym time during co-op. These activities, along with his normal daily play will count toward Phys. Ed.

Other Ideas and Books
For more ideas and books we plan to use during Second Grade, including some reading book ideas, visit my Pinterest board. I'll be adding to it throughout the school year as we go.

Follow Dorie Kay's board Second Grade on Pinterest.

The Schedule
Fitting in all these great books takes a little organization, but with three other children to teach, I'm not so sure a hard set schedule is the best idea for us. Instead, I opt for a goal to work through the books on a regular basis. Here's our plan:
  • Bible, Math, Grammar/Writing, Phonics/Spelling will all be done 4-5 times/week.
  • History and Science will each be completed 3 times/week.
  • Geography, Art, Latin, and Music will be done 1 time/week. (Latin songs ~ additional times)
  • Read alouds will occur on a daily basis and these center around our history studies.

Next up: 6th Grade Curriculum Choices

Linked Here.

1 comment:

  1. We have many of the same choices, hope you have a great year!
