Travel the World - Africa

This year of learning about our world has been incredible. I have, er, I mean my Kindergartner, has learned so much! Alas, we are almost done with our trip around the world. From Asia, we traveled to Africa. It has been fascinating learning about the different regions and people of Africa. Below, I have listed the resources we used.

Spine Books ~

Read Alouds ~

*Most of these we found at our local library.

Projects ~

Kente Cloth
Inspiration found at

The Usborne Art Treasury, by Katie Dickins, pp. 24-27

Next Stop: Australia


  1. Looks like fun! Should you want any photos of Africa, let me know. I have lots of Victoria Falls and of safari animals. :)

    1. Marla, I am doing one of those 'duh' hand to forehead moves! With you in Africa I should have been asking you all kinds of questions. Good news, my soon to be high school freshman might be taking geography next year...if that's the case, then I might just be taking you up on your offer :-)
