Poetry, Nature Walks, and Sweet Teeth

...a weekly wrap up

In our homeschool this week....the children have been busy memorizing poetry {1}.  Once memorized, either the child or I type the poem and print it.  Then the child illustrates it before we add it to their annual portfolio.  It is a way to offer tangible proof of memory work as well as a sweet momento for years to come.  Currently, the children have memorized or are working on memorizing:
"The Arrow and the Song" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; "The Violet" by Jane Taylor; "Who Has Seen the Wind?" by Christina Rossetti; and "The Little Turtle" by Vachel Lindsay.

I am grateful for...kind coaches who volunteer their time and talents in our flag football league.  This week, the boys and I made chocolate covered peanut butter candy for their coaches to thank them {2}.

Places we've gone...include a fun nature hike on Tuesday afternoon {3}, library, football practice, science co-op, AWANA, youth group, and piano lessons.  This weekend, we are headed to a corn maze.

We're cooking eating...sweet, very sweet, bakery made cupcakes {4}.  We had a great discount coupon, a little extra money, and well a sweet tooth!

A helpful homeschooling tip or advice to share...would be to include art and music appreciation even when they are young.  Little ones have an incredible capacity to enjoy art and music and this can easily be cultivated with a little time and effort.  The I Spy... books by Lucy Micklethwait are fun books to use {5}.

Find more weekly wrap-ups at:

Homegrown Learners


  1. Yummy cupcakes! I love your idea for a poetry folio with art work. And, what a nice way to say thank you to your coaches - chocolate and peanut butter - another delicious treat!

  2. Flag Football is becoming much more common ... wonder if it's for safety reasons?

    I agree 100% about doing music/art when they're little. My kids LOVE it!

  3. Dorie -- I second what Hope says about liking your poetry folio with the art work. I may have to steal that idea. :-)

    Your blog inspires me each time I visit it because you are very focused and peaceful. I would love to spend a day in your homeschool.

    Thanks for always linking with Collage Friday!

  4. Those coaches are pretty wonderful, huh? Our kids have had some great ones over the years, all volunteers too! What a nice treat for them!

    Hmm...cupcakes! The kids keep saying we'll make some fancy cupcakes, but we've yet to get around to it. They seem like a lot of work to MAKE! LOL

  5. My favorite cupcake/muffin of the moment is a spice cake mix with a can of pumpkin stirred in and about 1/2 cup water. I bake them in cupcake liners and viola! They are simple, delicious, and low-fat and low-calorie. Yours look delicious.

  6. Nice post! Love the collage. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I'm visiting from the Homeschool Mother's Journal Link-up. I love the idea of illustrating poems! I've been looking into Charlotte Mason for my youngest, just because that seems to be the way she learns naturally, so your week sounds very much like I imagine our weeks being in the near future.
