Our Favorite Outdoor Summer Activities

We love to be outdoors, especially during the summer months! 

Some of our favorite outdoor summertime activities are...

Sports, like soccer, football, baseball, and street hockey
{We live in a house near two cul-de-sacs, so the street has very limited traffic}

Riding Bikes
{mostly in our neighborhood, occasionally at a nearby park}

{Most of us love this, a few are still learning to appreciate the climb for the view}

Swimming in the pool
{We go swimming at a neighborhood pool quite often during these hot days.}

{My husband and children love fishing, I am the one still learning to appreciate it :-)}

Eating meals and ice cream treats outside
{Whether a picnic at a park, a backyard BBQ, or sitting on a bench eating an ice cream cone,
there is just something about being outside to eat.}

Exploring nature
{Taking a nature walk or finding critters in the backyard
both result in a wonder at the beauty and diversity of God's creation.}

Digging in the dirt
{I wish I could adequately describe the joy my children have
while digging and playing in the dirt! I know how they feel,
because my siblings and I enjoyed it just as much.
We have allocated an area in our backyard
just for their digging and dirt playing.}

What are some of your favorite activities during these warmer months?


  1. What wonderful ways to enjoy being outside! I'm with you on the dirt - I have no idea what the fascination is, but my girls LOVE it!

    1. I've gotta say, I so appreciate how creativity is encouraged with the dirt (or sand) play. It is amazing what children come up with while playing in either.

  2. We also love uninterrupted Lego play during the hottest parts of the day (it was 104 here yesterday!) as well as playing outside late in the evening when it cools off.

    1. 104 - ouch! I'd be heading for indoors as well (or maybe the pool), and only emerge during the cool of the evening or night, however long it took to cool down a bit :-) Legos are great fun around here, too.
