Casually Learning and Observing

While away on vacation last week, we didn't do any formal lessons.  However, as any parent will tell you, that doesn't mean there wasn't any opportunity to learn or observe a few things.

The place where we were staying had a beautiful children's garden.  Many flowers and vegetables grew in various beds and the children were encouraged to touch and explore.

There were many different trees to observe and admire.

We even took a few minutes to find some fossil imprints on a hillside.

Summertime is a fabulous time for casually learning and observing our surroundings.


  1. What a fabulous idea - a children's garden! I love it :) Great pictures!

    1. Yes, it was a fabulous area to play and learn. I was blessed to spend some time with the woman who created and maintains it. She has an incredible talent and passion for this garden for children and it shows in the creativity and welcoming atmosphere of the garden. It surely blessed our family :-)

  2. Great photos, Dorie! And I love that you recognized the learning that happened in the real world!

    1. Isn't it amazing all we can learn and experience on a daily basis?!
