Why It Is OK To Do Less Next Year

Exhausted? Ready to crash and burn after a year of homeschooling on the go?

It doesn't have to be that way. You and I shouldn't have to pump ourselves full of caffeine just to make it through the school day. We shouldn't need to go from morning to night nonstop, driving from here to there. Is all this go-go-go creating a relaxing learning environment for you and your children?

I didn't think so, because it certainly isn't in my household. Last school year, we had three days out of the house. Three out of five days when we needed to be somewhere other than home on a regular basis created a tipped scale. We were out of the home more than we were in the home.

Remember all those nature walks we use to take? Well, this past year we haven't had but three or four. With all the other activities, we just couldn't justify another day or time out of the house. Something had to give, and unfortunately, regular nature walks was one thing we let fall by the side.

So, I've put on the brakes, parked the car, and unloaded. With a few key choices, we are returning to our home full time.

Putting the HOME back into Homeschooling:

How exactly are we doing this?

I'm letting go of expectations of the world. Freedom from the pressure that children have to be all things and do all things is exhilarating.

We have cut back on outside of the house lessons. We'll retain a few, like piano lessons because I cannot teach it, but others we will end.

We have decided to stop participating in one co-op. This was by far the hardest decision. We have gone to our Friday co-op for many years now, at least a half dozen. Extra classes in writing, speech, and art are fun to do in groups. More importantly, the families who attend are precious friends and encouragers for us. However, the time required was becoming a burden. Being out of the house one more day a week was taxing.

We said no to more classes at the mid-week co-op we attend. We'll only take afternoon science classes at this co-op. Though there is a plethora of fine classes available, we won't be in them.

What does all this mean?

In the end, it will mean simply this: During school hours, we will leave the house regularly for piano lessons and science classes. That is it. The remaining time, we'll be home, or on an adventure of our choosing, at our own pace.

1 comment:

  1. Often times my biggest challenge is remembering that I HOMEschool, not ON-THE-GOschool. I hope that your choices will make this year go more smoothly for you.
