A Homeschool Riddle


During just about every science co-op class I've taught this year, one {or more} students has said a joke or tried to stump me with a riddle. Thankfully, they are in Kindergarten through third grade. The jokes fall somewhere on the range between laugh out loud, because they are really funny to an understanding smile and chuckle, because they are not quite funny, but the child is really trying. {OK, I confess, there are the times when I have to tell the child that I just don't understand the joke, but it doesn't happen too often.}

So in the same spirit as my class tells their riddles and jokes, I offer one I comprised today:

What do the quadratic equation, adjective clauses, digestive system, and cabbage butterflies have in common?

...insert music...

Give up?

Answer: My expertise for this week.
{All four are something I had to become an 'expert' on this week to teach my children.}

On a side note: Don't you just love the variety homeschooling provides?

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