When Your Child Is Bored

You've sailed by mid-year.

You've regained your footing after the holidays, and your days are back to the predictable routine.

It was wonderful for a few weeks, but now the days are predictable and bordering on boring.

You aren't quite ready for a spring break, but still...

It's time for a little change!

6 Ways to Change Your Homeschool Routine During March:

Go outside - play in the snow, rain, or sunshine. Charlotte Mason encouraged students to go outside daily, even when the weather was dreary! There is much to observe on a cloudy or rainy day.

Explore a new topic - Pick a topic that is not in the lesson plans which your child enjoys. Set aside some time each day (or entire days depending on your homeschool method) to follow your child's interests. You could even make it a mini-unit.

Celebrate Pi Day - 3.14 is coming up soon. Make some plans to learn about circles, diameters, and circumferences. Or just eat some pie! {Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 each year. For more ideas check out what I've pinned so far.}

Visit a new-to-you museum - Is there an aquarium or science museum you have been wanting to visit? This is a great time of year to do so, especially if you are not fond of the first idea on the list.

Get social - Visit some friends or invite some to your home. Everything is better with a friend! You could invite a few of your child's friends for an afternoon of fun learning. It doesn't have to be a full fledged co-op type class. It could simply be two, or more, moms and their children doing an art project or a science experiment together one afternoon.

Get Creative - Try a new-to-you fun activity. Perhaps you and your children could build a maze, obstacle course, or tent from items found in and around your home. Learning doesn't have to always involve a book or lesson plan.

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