Growing Vegetables

It's probably not too shocking, but we didn't really start the garden as a way to teach our children about growing vegetables.  This was just an added bonus.  {Really, we wanted homegrown, no chemicals used, vegetables for a lot cheaper than vegetables from the organic department at our local grocery store.}

As with life in general, the children learn from these nonacademic endeavors we pursue.  The acts of space planning, seed cultivating, thinning plants, weeding, irrigating, and harvesting have offered numerous unplanned and unscripted lessons. 

We cherish each lesson, perhaps more than the homegrown, chemical free vegetables.  Maybe, the vegetables are the added bonus and the true blessings we harvest are the shared lessons.

*We know we aren't the only family growing a garden.  My friend and fellow contributor to Growing Your Homeschool, Jessica shared about her garden earlier this month: Onion Harvest at Close Enough.  Have you shared about your garden adventures recently?  If so, please leave your link in the comments or email it to me. I'd love to come visit.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for including me in your beautiful blog, my friend. I am honored! And I must tell you, those are exactly the same reasons we began gardening. So many wonderful lessons have sprung from our desire to grow our own foods, it has been a blessing despite the fact that I am quite poor at it!
